Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 24 – Shortest Blog Ever: Ansel Adams and Nature Photography

It’s hard to even know where to start with Ansel Adams. He had a very long, influential career in photography. But one of the coolest things about his career, I think, is that he not only influenced the world of photography, but also environmental issues that he cared about. I read today that he fought for the preservation of natural wilderness in America, and that his photographs showing the beauty of wild America resulted in the protection of many of these areas. (

I have a lot more to say about Ansel Adams and his photography- the biography I found of him at the link above is really great! But I’m even more tired today than yesterday (I guess it’s all really catching up with me today?), so I’m going to catch some sleep now and write more tomorrow. Gotta get some zzzzzs when you can!



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