Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 29 – Surrealist Photography

Yesterday I talked about how photography as an art is evolving. The article I linked (this one: discussed how the prestigious Deutsche Börse prize in photography was won in 2012 by John Stezaker, who does not even take photographs. (Read his Wikipedia page here: Stezaker makes surreal type collages by combining pre-existing images. Here’s an example. It reminds me of the surrealist paintings I looked at a few weeks ago.

Stezaker doesn’t take any of the photographs himself. Instead, he finds and combines things like old postcards So he uses photography, but doesn’t take the photos himself. Does this matter? I don’t think so. Art using found objects is still art. Think of modern art exhibits you've seen. It’s the creativity with which the artist arranges them that matters. I’m not sure calling this type of art “photography” is exactly correct, but what else would you call it? In any case, I think it’s pretty cool.



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