Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 31 – Month Two: Nature’s Artistry

After spending a month looking at different types of art man created, I thought looking at some natural beauty would be a nice segue from there. After all, there are some spectacular places in nature that even the most talented painter could never truly portray. Even photographs cannot do true justice to some of nature’s best masterpieces. Some things just have to be experienced. Take, for example, Glacier National Park in Montana. I took a road trip there in Summer of 2012. Since there is a gap of a few months between taking the bar exam and getting results, it’s customary to take a “bar trip” during that time. Kind of a last hurrah for those who have finished up law school and are leaving the flexible schedule of being a student behind. Many of my classmates took amazing trips to popular cities in Asia or Europe, but I was short on cash and was feeling the need for some peace and quiet. I decided to drive to a few National Parks, one of which was Glacier. Below is one picture from my trip, taken at the end of a hike on one of Glacier’s many trails. I love this picture, and looking at it always takes me back to that peaceful hike. As beautiful as this picture is, you really have to see this scenery in person to truly take it in.

However, since it’s just not possible to visit every beautiful place I want to go, reading about these places and seeing photographs of them really is the next best thing. We are lucky to live in a time where a few searches on Google can give us information and images of so many places. Learning about the natural beauty on our planet always amazes me, and I feel as though it’s stress relieving to look at photographs of the world’s natural wonders. So, I’m going to spend the next 30 days of morning coffee reflections learning more about some of nature’s art: the beautiful places in nature that take your breath away. Who knows, perhaps I will someday have a chance to travel to some of the places that make it on to my blog. Having some places to dream about is never a bad thing!

Also, this is a great time for me to write about this particular subject, because we are going on vacation in a few weeks to see the Grand Canyon and a few other National Parks. I’ve wanted to see the Grand Canyon for a very long time, so I’m very excited! Once we are on the road, I’ll share some pictures from our trip.

In the meantime, are there any places you have either seen or would like to see that you think are great examples of Nature’s artistry? I’ve been lucky enough to visit some really spectacular places, and I’d love to find more spectacular places to dream about visiting someday!

Here I am on another favorite trip, at the end of a hike up to Norway's Preikestolen, or "Pulpit Rock." 


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