Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 48 – Arches!

Today we finished up our time in Arches. We looked at several of the more popular arches, including the Delicate Arch, Landscape Arch, and Window Arches. Arches National Park has over 2000 natural sandstone arches. The Arches were created by uplift and erosion. Interestingly, forty-three of Arches National Park’s arches have collapsed due to erosion since 1970!

We hiked a few short trails , but perhaps my favorite moment of the day was driving back out of the park at sunset. The road goes through some areas were there are vast fields with no arches or arches only very far away in the distance. I snapped the picture below of sunset using my phone, and I really like it! Now I’m ready to fall into bed and sleep that awesome sleep that a day full of physical activity always brings. More updates tomorrow!



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