Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 23 – Switching Gears: Photography

So, first of all, today was quite an adventure: we finished moving out of our apartment in Chicago and we are now in an extended stay in the suburbs for the next two weeks, which is nice for the Other Half because it’s a much quicker drive to his workplace. Our stuff is all in storage for the moment, because our next place isn’t nailed down quite yet (long story). We get to go on vacation two weeks from now! I’m very excited, and I already feel like I’m on vacation since I’m essentially living in a hotel room at the moment, haha!

I want to switch gears again, to what will probably be the last area of art I explore during my 30 days of art: photography. Several years ago, when I still lived near Fort Worth. I saw an exhibit on Ansel Adams and thought it was really cool. So, tomorrow I’m going to write about Ansel Adams, and then go from there. I think photography is an interesting art form, both because in the grand scheme of art it’s a relatively new medium, and because so many people take artistic photographs as a hobby these days. Whether or not these amateur photos are any good certainly varies widely, but it seems like every time I turn around another one of my friends is putting up a photography blog. I think it’s neat that so many people are able to access their creativity this way.

That’s all I have to say for today, however. It’s been a long couple of days, and I definitely need some sleep! Before I go, here’s one Ansel Adams photograph as a preview. Pretty incredible!



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