Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 70 – Italy Wrap-Up

I think today is going to be the last day I write about Italy. There are so many more things I could read about, but I want to get to research another country or two this month. If I try to cover everything about Italy I want to, I will be writing about Italy for the rest of the year! Frankly, it’s a little overwhelming to try to fit research about an entire country into morning coffee time, even when attempting to break that research into bite size pieces. Nevertheless, I will soldier on with this experiment. After all, at least some parts of an experiment are bound to fail. Perhaps this month will be more difficult or less organized than some of the others, but at least I will learn from it!

Since part of my goal was to learn more about countries that I’m interested in visiting someday, I looked today at the travel destination in Italy I’m most interested in, Venice, and I found this fun article on what NOT to do in Venice:
The most interesting recommendation? NOT to take a gondola ride. This was a bit disappointing to me, since this is something I’ve always wanted to do in Venice. Apparently, however, these days the gondolas are just overpriced and overpacked with tourists. The article does recommend taking a traghetto for under a Euro instead. It’s a gondola shell, which the locals use for quick, cheap transportation across the Grand Canal. However, you better have good balance since you’ll be standing in the little boat. (Hmmm… I’m off to work on those yoga poses).


I do like to make an effort to experience at least some things that the locals do when I visit a new place. I think it’s a little ridiculous to be completely anti-tourist, since you are, in fact, a tourist. There are usually tourist attractions that are worth seeing. The trick is figuring out which ones are worth it and avoiding the rest! Does anyone have experience with gondola rides? Do you agree/disagree that they are not worth it? What other tourist traps have you fallen prey to? I’d love to hear some good stories from those of you who like to travel!


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