Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 69 - Italian Cuisine!

I cannot complete my discussion of Italy without at least mentioning Italian food… Wine and pasta are what I think of first when I think of Italian food, but my favorite Italian food is Tiramisu. Tiramisu is a relatively recent invention, with most tracing its invention to the restaurant “Le Beccherie” in Treviso, Italy. However, there is some debate over whether this is the case, and several other versions of Tiramisu’s creation story exist. (

Whatever the truth behind Tiramisu’s invention, it is one of my favorite desserts. Traditional tiramisu is made with finger biscuits, egg yolks, sugar, coffee, mascarpone cheese, and cocoa powder. I love the coffee flavor- which should come as no surprise since I’m basing this whole blog’s premise around morning coffee! Just to tease you… here is a picture of tiramisu!

Now, I want to know… what is YOUR favorite Italian food?



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