Saturday, August 2, 2014

Day 82 - Taking a Break

I've decided to take a break from this blog. I'm not sure when, or if, I'll start blogging again, but what I was hoping would be a nice stress reliever has become very difficult to keep up with.

I will probably still keep the essence of the project- reflecting each morning over coffee for a few minutes- but the time required to actually blog about it is too hard to find with a 4 month old. I have to wait until she goes to bed at night to actually write, and at this point, trying to care for her without any help from family or friends is too exhausting and I think I probably need to just take the time to sleep instead of write.

Thanks, everyone, for reading! I do love writing, so perhaps I will start this up again when things get on a more normal schedule! I hope you have enjoyed the posts that I have been able to write!



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