Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 13 – Surrealism and… yawn.

When I was learning about Cubism yesterday, I read a mention of Surrealism, and decided today to check into this. Surrealism was actually a literary movement that originated in Paris around the early 1920s and became an international intellectual and political movement. ( Surrealism drew on and contained deep symbolism and disdain for convention- and used Freudian methods of free association. One well known painter who created Surrealist works was Salvador Dalí. Dalí’s Accommodations of Desire (pictured below) was one of his surrealist works, which Freudian symbolism.

Honestly, I just can’t really handle this style of painting. I think it might be time to redirect my review of art. I had a difficult time today focusing on my morning coffee reading. As the paintings I look at become more and more abstract, I become more and more disinterested. I feel as though I need to refocus- perhaps go back in time and look at works before Impressionism, where I started. Or, perhaps, look at a different type of art altogether. (Sculptures? Photographs?). All I know is that I was enjoying the art research at the beginning of this month, but now I have definitely hit a wall of boredom. I need to refocus my research on something that I enjoy more.

I think this is good, though. It means I’m learning what I do like, and what I don’t. For the Coffee Bean Dreams project, both types of knowledge are necessary. Tomorrow I need to think about how to redirect this month’s focus.

In the meantime, since I just can’t help myself, here is Dalí’s Accommodations of Desire. I think this type of art is definitely an acquired taste. What do you think?


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